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Thursday, 26 September 2013

Studyladder Stars!!

Today I gave out some studyladder certificates to children who had gained
Bronze award- 100 points or more
Silver Award- 250 points or more
Gold Award - 500 points or more

 An Absolutely fantastic effort, as it is an optional extra and you guys are working very hard- Amazing!!
Study ladder will be open during the holidays and I have set some extra work for those who are getting through it all!
If you have missed out this time think about what your aim is for next term.
Ka Pai Room 7

                                                     Here are some photos of the winners!
Bronze Awards- Shakayla, Liam,Connor, Charlotte,Andrea,Nick,Josh,and Kyan.

Silver Awards, Pene,Madie,Jamie,Finlay,Georgia and Ben

Gold Awards, Dilynn,Nina,Isla and Lily

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Count On Me - Bruno Mars

Another really cool song we like to sing with a lovely message for us all!
Great Singing Room 7!!

8000 HITS- WOO HOO!!


You guys must be so interesting!
What a great term you have had.

(Miss Crosbie if you are watching check out the new page at the top especially for you!)
Mrs TX

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Katy Perry - Firework (Lyric Video)

I love the message in this song room 7 lets learn this song!   (If you didn't already know it)
Listen to the words....What is it trying to tell you??

Monday, 23 September 2013

'Fun-day' Friday

Hello Parents,
As a reward for a fantastic terms work , I am giving the children a 'Fun- day Friday 'at the end of the week.  After discussions with the children, we have tried to incorporate as many ideas as we can!
This will involve;

  •     Bringing in a game from home- which they will be responsible for.
  •     If they choose- bringing in a teddy!
  •     Watching the Movie Matilda- one of our class-readers this term.
  •     Having a shared lunch- Yr 3 children bring a savoury plate and yr 4 a sweet -plate and perhaps    a lunchbox lid to eat off? and a water bottle. as normal.
  •    Outside games if time in the afternoon.
Children will wear uniform as normal.

Thank you in advance for your support with this!
Mrs TX

Investigating our Favourite book

Last week in class to celebrate reading week, the children chose a favourite book that they had read and
worked through a series of activities.

They published their work and created a poster to present it. Reading Challenge- A Favourite Book on PhotoPeach

No Homework This week!

Dear parents,
Just to let you know officially I haven't set any homework this week , however it  would be good to do some  reading everyday (as always) and study-ladder has plenty of work ready and set for them. - Also good to keep them busy during the holidays if you wish!
Thanks to all who took part in the reading challenge last week I was so impressed with the enthusiasm with which the children took part.
A special mention to
Meg, Nick, Madie, Isla and Dilynn- They completed an unbelievable 45 activities in 1 week!! They were rewarded with bars of choc today! Super Impressive Guys Well done and thank you aswell parents for the support with this phenomenal commitment- make -sure they share!!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Isla's Mural!

Last week we were given a reading challenge for Homework. There were 45 activites to try to complete.
One of the activities was to paint a mural of a favourite book character. Isla came in on Wednesday with her mural of Matilda.We agree that is a amazing painting.And she did it in one morning!!! Great job Isla!!!!
Here is a picture of her mural.
By Dilynn and Andrea.

Blair Kitty Visit!

On Thursday Blair Kitty from More FM came to ask us some questions.
 He asked us what we thought.one of the the questions where what is a pedicure? and what is cholesterol? and some other questions.
 Room 7 will be on the radio at 3:20 and 6:20 this week!and next week on www.morefm.co.nz
This is Blair asking us some questions. When we told Blair our answer he pushed a button on his phone and it recorded us.

By Andrea and Dilynn.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New Class reader!!

Lily has been very enthusiastic to read to us. She begun The Witches by the class favourite 'Roald Dahl' this week. She reads with great expression and uses fantastic voices when reading her characters.You keep us all engaged Lily, well done!

We care award!

Ka pai room 7 We got it at last. Must be all that nagging I do!
A great effort Room 7
Lets keep it up!

Pene Class Award Week 7

Sorry Pene I haven't forgotten you!
Our class award for week 7 was for Pene Taufolo, a new member of room 7 who has settled so well at Birchwood school. You are full of enthusiasm Pene and work hard to improve your understanding. You ask good questions and have a positive attitude. Well done Pene!!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Connor's Creative Writing

Based on our Class reader The Minpins by Roald Dahl
Little Billys Scary Ride

I am holding onto the swans feathers very tight, I am trying to get to the lake but I can only 
just see it in the distance. I have got this huge Gruncher,the growling monster chasing me! 
We reach the sparkling lake and when I look behind me I see the enormous gruncher 
sizzling in the deep blue lake. I See Don Mini on a sparrow nearby  and all the other Minpins. They are all yelling hooray for Billy! Now the Minpins and I can walk on the forest floor again. 
By Connor

Explanation by Lily

How to teach your cat a trick

I am going to explain to you how to get your cat to stand up and walk.

First get a piece of your cats favourite food and hold it up in the air. Your cat will then stand  
up! To teach it to walk move away from your cat.

So there you are! Practice a little more and you could do a show for your friends.

That is how to teach your cat to stand up and walk.

By Lily

Monday, 9 September 2013

Wow Words!!

We have been collecting wow words.Today we were thinking of wow words to describe a CAT!
Here is what we came up with;

Slick     Swift   Hi-speed,   Bold,    Bouncing  Playful  Courageous  Pleased
Adorable,    Viscious  Snuggly  Adventurous  Gentle  Dusty  Demanding
Stuffy, Fearless,  Beaming,  Superb, Heroic  Honest  Dazzling  Fragrant  Grubby.

By Room 7!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Class Award Week 6- 'Jiselle Hart'

Dear Jiselle,
It is a pleasure having such a positive person in Room seven. You can be relied upon to act maturely and work hard in everything you take part in. You are always striving to make your work better. Ka pai Jiselle and keep it up!

Grass Hoppers Tennis

For the past few weeks we have been doing Grass Hoppers Tennis.We have learnt how to do serves,volleys and making a big nose!We have been have been having some great fun. This is us playing around the world. By Jamie and Nina


Last week many of the class went to the Rock Da House performance.We had to wear a bright coloured tops and dark pants.When we got there we got our gloves and glasses.It was an awesome show  we were so excited when the glasses glowed.  Well done to all the kids who were in it and a big thumbs up to Mrs Shepherd ,we couldn't have done it without you. Here are some photos of the people who were in it.
By Meg and Jiselle!!!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

How Hot?? How Cool!!!

Today we have been measuring water with thermometers. We had some ice water, some tap water and some hot water from the zip!

We predicted what we thought it would measure and then we learnt how to use a thermometer to measure the temperature.

We started to think about how we could use insulation ( another shun word!!!) to keep the water hot.

We will investigate soon!
Ka Pai Room 7



Buddy readiing with Rm1

We love to read with Room 1 on a Thursday! We are great role models with our reading style, and we listen closely to our buddies when they are reading to us. See you next Week rm1! Buddy Reading with Rm1 on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Explanation Popplet!

Some of us have used the Popplet app to create our explanations.
Here is Dilynn's first draft- great use of pictures Dilynn.

How Glass is Recycled- Explanation!

In class we have been learning how to write explanation texts. We watched the video on our blog about recycling glass, we made notes and then used them to create some explanations. See if you can spot our time connectives and our introductory sentences.

How Recycled Glass Is Made

I am going to tell you how recycled glass is made.

Firstly the glass is collected on kurb sides, in bins or in recycling banks.
Secondly the glass is taken to your local recycling depot.
Next it is screened for corks and bottle tops and then crushed into cullet.
Then it is taken to a another company that mixes the cullet with silicate sodium carbonate calcium carbonate and it is heated in a furnace at 1000F. 
Finally it is moulded or blown into a bottle shape. Then it is taken to factories to get filled .

By Liam

How Smashing Glass is Recycled 
I am going to explain to you how glass is recycled. Glass  can be endlessly recycled. To start with it is collected in bags,bins, kerb-side boxes and more. Secondly it goes to a depot where it is separated in colour. After that it  goes to a reprocessing company where it is screened and lids are removed. Next it is crushed, then it is sent to a new company where it gets boiled to 1000 degrees!!!!!!  It gets mixed with sand and other liquids. Next it gets moulded into a glass bottle. Finally it gets filled up and goes to the shops and the cycle starts all over again.
By Andrea

studyladder link

We are joining Study ladder!
Here is a link to the login page